
Elevate awarness to raise world dignity

[VIDEO] ArtDynasty Vernissage – March 10, 2016

Swiss Dragons Management SA welcomed over 300 guests to its March 10, 2016 Vernissage of guest artist, the Prince Michel de Yougoslavie’s exhibition of photographs of Belgrade and his family’s Royal Palace and Church of Oplenac. Among the special guests were the Ambassadors of Serbia to Switzerland and the U.N. as well as a former Swiss Deputy Ambassador to Read More

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[VIDEO] Les émotions du Prince-photographe dans le sillage de son grand père à Belgrade.

C’est avec joie que Swiss Dragons Management SA vous invite à découvrir des photos très exclusives de Son Altesse Royale le Prince Michel de Yougoslavie. Rendues publique pour la première fois, des photos du dernier retour de son grand père, enterré dans le fabuleux mausolée de la famille Royale Serbe et Yougoslave. Une seconde partie Read More

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[VIDEO] L’extraordinaire histoire de Homayra Sellier dont la force, la dévotion, le charme et l’intelligence ont permis de sauver des vies

Cela fait déjà plus de 15 ans que Homayra Sellier fonda INNOCENCE EN DANGER, dédiée aux autres, de l’écoute des signaux subtiles des détresses humaines et solitaires, en passant par des actions aussi risquées que concrètes, jusqu’à la réparation des âmes, par la force de l’esprit, ouvrant le chemin de l’intérieur de soi-même pour y Read More

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[VIDEO] Sixtine Crutchfield announces ArtDynasty’s next exhibit

Sixtine offers a wealth of global art experience as well as a specialized network of art expertise and clientele from over 25 years of experience. Having begun as a novice entrant to the most famous art gallery in Geneva, Switzerland, the Jan Krugier Gallery that sold the art works from the Marina Picasso Collection and Read More

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[VIDEO] Découvrez Nono Tomètèrou, chanteur compositeur togolais unificateur des âmes par sa musique.

Veuillez accueillir Nono Tomètèrou avec tous vos sens, à commencer par l’ouïe, le cœur, l’esprit et l’âme … comme il a déjà capturé les cœurs de ses compatriotes togolais de tous les âges et de toutes les ethnies, il aimerait se faire de nouveaux amis comme vous. En dépit de ses relations privilégiées en tant que Read More

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[VIDEO] Your invitation to travel with the Prince Michael of Yugoslavia

An introduction to His Royal Highness HRH the Prince Michael of Yugoslavia. HRH the Prince Michael of Yugoslavia, born on the 18th of June 1958 in Boulogne-Billancourt, is the grandson of the last King of Italy and of the last Regent of Yugoslavia. HRH the Prince Michael of  Yugoslavia resides in Geneva, Switzerland and works Read More

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An introduction to Alexandre Orloff

An introduction to Alexandre Orloff

Swiss Dragons Management SA is happy to present you its President of the Board : Alexandre Orloff. With his private banking service oriented career and his strong network of professionals within the different sectors needed by very demanding clients, we are certain that our collaboration will serve you best ! Alexandre Orloff is an experienced Read More

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An Introduction to Mikhail Shamil Orlov

An Introduction to Mikhail Shamil Orlov

Educated by his two exiled parents to serve their/his “Homelands,’’ respectively Russia and Egypt, he dedicated every effort in his life to construct, bring support and add value to the nations that accepted his energy, values and unconditional services.   After a career in private equity in Russia, Mikhail Orlov created one of the biggest Read More

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