Category: Mikhail Shamil Orlov

Elevate awarness to raise world dignity

Egypt – A vast market & an important international hub forming an attractive opportunity

Exclusive interview of : Mikhail Shamil Orlov on Egypt needs of Infrastructure presented by Mikhail Shamil Orlov, who is: – Chairman of the Russian-Egyptian Business Council – President & Founder of the Ambika Group This interview covers the issues of Egypt being a vast market & an important international hub forming an attractive opportunity to Read More

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An Introduction to Mikhail Shamil Orlov

An Introduction to Mikhail Shamil Orlov

Educated by his two exiled parents to serve their/his “Homelands,’’ respectively Russia and Egypt, he dedicated every effort in his life to construct, bring support and add value to the nations that accepted his energy, values and unconditional services.   After a career in private equity in Russia, Mikhail Orlov created one of the biggest Read More

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