Date: May2016

Elevate awarness to raise world dignity

[VIDEO-RU] Swiss Dragons и ArtDynasty имеют честь пригласить вас на встречу с известным скульптором Игорем Устиновым.

“…И мгновенно житейское канет, Словно в черную пропасть без дна. И над пропастью медленно встанет Семицветной дугой тишина. И мотив, приглушенный и юный, В затаенной затронет тиши Усыпленные жизнию струны Напряженной, как арфа, души”. А. Блок   Скульптуры Игоря Устинова – это мгновенье пойманное в бронзе, вечность обретшая форму… Творения Устинова украшают многие города и Read More

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[VIDEO] A Pleasant Surprise awaits You – VIP Invitation

Swiss Dragons and ArtDynasty are honored to invite you to meet with world famous sculptor, Igor Ustinov. Igor Ustinov’s sculptures not only stop time for anyone viewing his artworks but they are also timeless masterpieces, including landmark sculptures that grace many cities, museums, schools as well as private collections in Europe and North America. Igor Ustinov continues Read More

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[VIDEO] Igor Ustinov: Transforming his Models to Bronze

See the dramatic transformation of Igor Ustinov’s models encased as molds that become subjugated to the foundry’s smelting of molten bronze… a fiery process…that occasionally compromises the artist’s work… a process that may take a month and a half… but step by step gets finished… depending on the complexity of the artwork. See how Igor Ustinov patines a Read More

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[VIDEO] From the fragility of his being to his rebirth. Bronze as experienced by Igor Ustinov

Come see the transformation of one man’s dreams… thoughts…emotions… Through the medium of bronze… Prior to your visit to his foundry.   Do discover the journey of an artist who synthesizes his being in bronze sculptures…  So such dreams… thoughts… emotions materialize as a new birth… another reality… Shared with you! Come discover more of Igor Read More

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[VIDEO-EN] Evgenia Zehnder on a Soviet Georgian Artist, Cornelius Sanadze

ArtDynasty presents 4 masterpieces of a Soviet Georgian Artist, Cornelius Sanadze, exemplary of Soviet Art yet individually expressive from his own convictions. Soviet Artists had to illustrate and develop dictated Soviet ideology and policy in order to uplift the morale of the people in support of their Soviet Government. Sanadze’s “Orange Collectors” is a prime Read More

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[VIDEO] The Soul Maker of Bronze: Igor Ustinov

Welcome to Igor Ustinov’s studio… Where he transforms his thoughts into his destined material, bronze, from “stepping stones” of wax, plaster and clay.  “ Just like the Samurai who infuses his spirit into his sword, so does Igor Ustinov, who tempers his labile metal into the uplifting bronze sculptures that expresses the poetry of his Read More

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