Business School Lausanne - Innovation Week

Collaboration with BSL Student Counsel

Business School Lausanne – Innovation Week


BSL ranking among the top three best MBA Universities in Switzerland, has organized by its Student Counsel at the end of each academic programs, a week dedicated to interactions between students and experienced professionals in their specific field of business.


BSL Student Counsel invited Swiss Dragons Management SA to collaborate in the organisation of one days of its Business Innovation Week, during the month of February 2020.

Together, Swiss Dragons Management SA and BSL received guests from Egypt, Russia, Singapore and Switzerland.


Our speakers were business owners in the very discreet world of art and auctions, foreign university professors, advisors to governments, economists, fund managers and E-sport guru.



The following dedicated blogs are to be watched here below:


Bernard Piguet

CEO & auctioneer at Piguet Hôtel des Ventes Geneva & Lausanne

Click here to watch: How from a passion one can become a key player in an industry


Dr Mona Khalil

Lecturer, trainer and academic in Cross-Cultural Communication

Click here to watch: The Role of Cross-Cultural Competence in International Business Interaction

Click here to watch the exclusive interview of Dr Mona Khalil: The Role of Cross-Cultural Competence in International Business Interactions


Mikhail Shamil Orlov

General Manager at AgroFinMost / Chairman at Russian-Egyptian Business Council

Click here to watch: From food security to food sovereignty 

Click here to watch the exclusive interview of Mikhail (Shamil) Orlov, Managing Director of AgroFinMost, expert in agriculture, the food value chain & food security

Aymeric Poulain

Senior Portfolio Manager at Landolt & Cie 

Click here to watch: How do we pick stocks?


Nicholas Aaron (尼古拉斯.邱) Khoo

E-Sport guru / co-founder of and / advisor to Global Esports Federation 

Click here to watch: Esports and Asia